Thursday, November 11, 2010

Heritage Foundation Article

Although I agree that the government should cut their spending, I do not feel that it is necessary to cut as much as the "Heritage Foundation" says should be cut. They are saying that unemployment programs, education funds, and national defense funds should be cut. Although cutting these expenditures would save money, it would also put many of our country's citizens in a world of hurt. What will the government use the money for anyway? I think you might as well spend it to help the people that need it most. Deficit-schmeficit.... if people in America are suffering.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is a law that makes sure people aren't mistreated by their employers. It provides a minimum income for people so that they can earn enough to live.

Self Interest: Good or Bad?

I believe that self-interest is an essential aspect of a successful market economy. Both consumers and producers have self-interest. It causes the consumers to purchase items based on the belief that they are getting a deal on the service or good. It causes the producers to provide goods or services because they believe they are getting profit. Because of this self-interest of individuals, the market economy thrives.